An unexpected snow day! Recently we got hit with a large amount of snow, which turned out to be a little bit of an adventure. Shell & had left the kids & the grandparents for the weekend and were on our way to pick them back up the day it had snowed. To make a long story short, we managed to get 3 trucks/SUV's stuck in the snow within about 30 minutes! It took a bunch of shoveling, and a tractor to clear enough snow to get them all out. After my dad & I finished that, Shell & I decided to just stay the night as it wasn't going to be real easy getting back up the drive and back home. It ended up being a beautiful day and clearing up a bit, so Shell, my dad & I went on a hike. I took the tree photo just below my parents house as we were finishing the hike. It was a nice break not having to do anything and slow down for a day.